Hillary says Trump can’t be trusted with the nuclear codes.

In her nomination speech Hillary stated that we couldn’t have people near the nuclear codes if they were easily baited by tweets. Good one, Hillary. All the little, lockstep Dems were clapping their hands off at that zinger. There’s only one problem with it. Bill lost the nuclear codes while he was president! I wonder what (or should I say “who” -ha, ha) distracted him?

[Source: Hillary Clinton Suggested Trump Couldn’t Be Trusted With The Nuclear Codes, Did She Forget Bill Lost Them? By Matt Vespa]

[From the Vespa article] Towards the end of his presidency, “the biscuit,” the card containing the nuclear codes, went missing. There are two stories and maybe both are true. ABC News reported back in 2010, that former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Hugh Shelton, wrote a memoir, Without Hesitation: The Odyssey of an American Warrior, where he states that the codes were missing for months. Yet, there’s this other version that dates back to 1998 from a book written by retired Air Force Col. Robert Patterson:

Patterson was one of the men who carried the football (the ‘box’ that enables a nuclear missile launch), and he says it was literally the morning after the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke that he made a routine request of the president to present the card so that he could swap it out for an updated version.

“He thought he just placed them upstairs,” Patterson recalled. “We called upstairs, we started a search around the White House for the codes, and he finally confessed that he in fact misplaced them. He couldn’t recall when he had last seen them.”

Once a month, Defense Department officials conduct an in-person verification to make sure the president has the right codes. At least twice in a row, Shelton writes, a White House aide told the Pentagon checker that the president was in a meeting but gave a verbal assurance that the codes were with him.

Then one month around 2000, according to Shelton, when the time came to replace the codes with a new set, “the president’s aide said neither he nor the president had the codes — they had completely disappeared.”

So, I’m sure that when Hillary reads my post today (ha, ha) she’ll say, “No big deal.” No launches could be executed without the football. You be the judge. If you were entrusted with the nuclear launch codes would you think it’s a good idea to be able to put your hands on the codes instantaneously? Bill losing track of the codes is almost as bad as when former President Jimmy Carter sent the nuclear codes to the dry cleaners.

So what happens if the President doesn’t have his identifier? The commander in chief of NORAD resorts to the next person on the National Command Authority list, the Vice President. Good God! That would mean we entrusted the fate of the world to Al Gore!

In any event, should Hillary (the “pot”) be calling Trump (the “kettle”) “careless” when the Director of the FBI under sworn testimony concluded that she was “extremely careless.” Don’t ya’ just love politics!

Roy Filly


About Roy Filly

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1 Response to Hillary says Trump can’t be trusted with the nuclear codes.

  1. Interesting that Hillary declares that D. Trump cannot “be trusted with nuclear codes.” In reality, Hillary cannot be trusted, period.

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