Why worry about Russian interference when we have college professors, Democrats, and Silicon Valley

Apparently the nation is worried sick that Russians are trying to “influence our election.” Personally I don’t want Russians doing such things, but ask myself, have I ever seen a single thing on Facebook, YouTube, or Google that actually influenced my vote? The answer is a resounding “YES,” but in each instance it was written by a college professor, a democrat, or was a report on catching Facebook, YouTube, or Google limiting access by conservatives – NOT RUSSIANS!

Let’s start with college professors.

[Sources: Colleges: A Force for Evil, by Walter E. Williams; Censorship of Infowars Exposes Larger Problem of Silicon Valley Bias, by Jarrett Stepman]

As I have stated many times in my posts, I am a First Amendment absolutist. I learned that back in the day when I was a democrat and democrats were liberals instead of leftist socialists. Perhaps you have seen the movie, The American President. In that movie the final speech by President Andrew Shepherd (Michael Douglas) speaks loudly of the Democrat Party’s previous devotion to free speech. Of course, he portrayed a Democrat president (it was a Hollywood production after all) and an extremely liberal one at that. “You want free speech? Let’s see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who is standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours.”

As Professor Williams instructs and I wholeheartedly agree, hate speech is protected by the First Amendment. I don’t like hate speech any more than any other American, but I defend it. A recent Brookings Institution poll suggests that nearly half of college students believe hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment. 

Let’s look at what emanates from the mouths of leftist university professors and other leftist teachers. [Directly from the Williams article] Johnetta Benton, a teacher at Hampton Middle School near Atlanta, was recorded telling her sixth-grade students, “America has never been great for minorities.” In a tirade, she told her class: “Because Europeans came from Europe … you are an immigrant. You are an illegal immigrant because you came and just took it. … You are an immigrant. This is not your country.”

UCLA history professor Mary Corey told her class: “Capitalism isn’t a lie on purpose. It’s just a lie.” She added that capitalists “are swine. … They’re bastard people.”

An English professor at Montclair State University, in New Jersey, told his students, “Conservatism champions racism, exploitation and imperialist war.”

An ethnic studies professor at California State University, Northridge and Pasadena City College teaches that “the role of students and teachers in ethnic studies is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.”

Rodney Swanson, a UCLA economics professor, told his class, “The United States of America, backed by facts, is the greediest and most selfish country in the world.” (Footnote)

Leftists often say that the U.S. is the world’s worst country. But roughly 138 million would like to live in the U.S.—making us the No. 1 destination for immigrants IN THE WORLD. They must be nuts if they read our lame-stream media!

Moving on to Silicone Valley and Democrat “leaders.”

This week, the website Infowars, which is run by Alex Jones, was banned from most social media platforms. I have never personally gone to that website and probably wouldn’t like it if I did, but I defend their right to publish what they want.

YouTube cited “hate speech and harassment” and Apple stated that “hate speech” wouldn’t be tolerated, and FaceBook stated that it glorified violence (have these guys ever been to a movie like Rambo or Ichi the Killer or Kill Bill).

Further, Infowars is hardly a conservative website so where will Silicone Valley find the “line” that they will not cross?

YouTube relies on the Southern Poverty Law Center to police content. This is a far-left activist organization. YouTube considers this organization a “Trusted Flaggers” group (i.e., if they say it isn’t fit to be on YouTube then YouTube nixes it). Google launched a fact-checking tool in January, it almost exclusively targeted conservative publications. The backlash was severe enough that they backed off.

Moving on to Democrat “leaders” – Democrat Senator Chris Murphy tweeted: “Infowars is the tip of a giant iceberg of hate and lies that uses sites like Facebook and YouTube to tear our nation apart. These companies must do more than take down one website. The survival of our democracy depends on it.”

My friends, forget the Russians. They are amateurs compared to leftists. Leftists are destroying the very fabric of nation.

Roy Filly


America has been named as the most generous nation in the world, where its citizens give the most to charity, according to a new report. Charitable giving by individuals as a percentage of GDP in America was recorded at 1.44% (that’s more than $300 billion), in New Zealand at 0.79% (that’s $1.6 billion), in Canada at .77% and in the UK at 0.54%.





About Roy Filly

Please read my first blog in which I describe myself and my goals.
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1 Response to Why worry about Russian interference when we have college professors, Democrats, and Silicon Valley

  1. David L. Wood, M.D. says:

    The capability of “projection” is so well developed by the Leftwing socialist believers that it almost seems inbred and natural. It is indeed learned, and it has become second nature to left-wingers and sociopaths who use it. Project means projecting onto others what originates within themselves. It is truly insidious and justifies violence in their minds.

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