The IRS. Gestapo powers.

Maine’s Governor Paul LePage drew intense criticism for comparing the IRS to the Gestapo in a recent radio address.  Those who berated him have probably not seen the following video. In my last post I asked if we had already seen dictatorial powers being expressed in the USA. You be the judge. And thanks to JM for bringing this to my attention.

Roy Filly

About Roy Filly

Please read my first blog in which I describe myself and my goals.
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9 Responses to The IRS. Gestapo powers.

  1. Mia says:

    It’s here, government take over. Final piece needed, gun control. Hitler born again but this time in America.

  2. says:

    could not access the video.


  3. Tina says:

    They did it this way to accustom the American people to this sort of thing. People: don’t lay down for this.

  4. Bob Marshall says:

    Karl Marx dreamed of a Socialist United States and through Saul Alinsky’s tactics in his book RULES for RADICALS Obama is making his dream come true. It also took millions of ignorant voters.

  5. Lalita says:

    It took ignorant voters, AND some manipulation of the votes too…. The election process is
    well down the road of Fraud, and as stated in a recent newsletter of the Eagle Forum Calif.
    “The numbers are now talking”. Of course this isn’t new, it’s been going on for some years as Mike Rupport began reporting back in 2004 in his newsletter “From the Wilderness” when Arnie Schwartzeneger was allegedly voted in as California’s governor. I learned a lot about how the election process used to be manipulated from the book: the True Story of the Bilderberg Group, by Daniel Estulen, but today with electronic voting machines much greater control is possible.

    Of course, the Donkeys feverishly pointed to Romney as responsible for vote manipulation but talk about calling the kettle black! Massive voter fraud has been reported in areas of Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin & Virginia. These are just a few statistical examples from the 2012 presidential election have any validity (as reported by Bill O’Reilly’s message board:

    In 59 voting districts in the Philly region, Obama received 100% of the votes with not a single vote recorded for Romney (a mathematical & statistical impossibility).

    In Wood Co. OH, 106,258 voted while only 98,213 living there are eligible to vote.

    The National SEAL Museum, a polling location in St. Lucie Co. Florida had a 158% voter turnout.

    Obama ‘won’ in every state that did not require a photo ID & LOST in every state that did require a photo ID in order to vote! Huge numbers of military ballots have not been counted.

    The “Rule of Law” is all but gone in our beloved country! What are we going to do about this deplorable state of affairs? I suggest we educate ourselves as much as possible, learn to discern truth from fiction, and beware the agents provacateur that get involved in pretty much every discussion, as well as the talking heads of all variety who will spin everything, and waste our time listening to their many opinions mixed in with few facts. Then we need to help educate everyone we know.

    Sources that can help us do this & see what is actually to be done include:, and…. And, if you haven’t already, be sure to read G. Edward Griffin’s book: The Creature From Jekyll Island. A must read for all American’s! Even if you think you know all about the not Federal, not Reserve, there is important history to understand in this book, so you can see the bigger picture. I’ve also recently realized that to learn more about & get on board to stop or reverse the foothold & advancement of U.N. Agenda 21 in the u.s.A. an organization doing great and important work is the John Birch Society ( and it’s publication (online at) While there are a lot of things happening that we seem helpless to do anything about, in the area of Agenda 21, there is plenty to be done right in our local communities.

  6. Lalita says:

    I also agree with Tina that while they pretend to fight the “war on terror” they terrorize us, to get us used to Tyranny and to beat people into submission, & fill us with fear. It’s no mistake, it’s their tactic to gain more control psychologically etc. The “psyOp” is operating on every level today! Beware! But, we must not let them control us with the fear, or humiliation. Those businesses that have been shamed in their own communities need to organize, tell their stories and help others understand what has happened so the community can hang together and support them. We don’t have to allow the PTB to disempower us!

  7. Dave says:

    If you give these uninformed agents a little authority, a gun and pay them to behave like gangsters, they will be more than happy to trample on the liberties of the people. We must go after the agencies who carry out this lawlessness and the politicians that allow it to continue. Time for us as citizens to roll up our sleeves, become informed, get involved and push back.

  8. This is an important video to see!

    For those that cannot access the video you can click on the little YouTube icon at the bottom right of the video to go directly to YouTube to view the video.

    I can’t help but wonder why there’s a problem viewing the video.


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