An argument worth hearing.

I ran across this discussion while seeking out some other information. In the discussion you will hear 5 people argue the value of welfare. Three are for it and two against. The two that are “against” are two of my heroes: Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell. Sowell is a young UCLA professor in this video. The subject is “the Welfare State.”

The video was recorded in 1980. So much more water has passed under that bridge since this testament. The beauty of the video is that the advocates for either side of the argument are highly intelligent and well spoken. Clearly, the welfare state is larger and stronger than ever 35 years later. So I guess Friedman and Sowell “lost” the argument. However, it was not lost on me.

Roy Filly

About Roy Filly

Please read my first blog in which I describe myself and my goals.
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