Politics in cartoon form.

I think this pretty much sums up the current situation. I read a poll today that 62% of Americans are afraid to say what they believe in today’s toxic milieu.

Let’s move on to the Democrat candidate for the presidency. A record-breaking 29 major candidates vied for the democrat presidential nomination. Former Vice President Joe Biden had already lost twice before and ends up the candidate.  Thus, I consider the cartoon below to be quite accurate.

Biden cannot and will not be able to counter the immense pressure to move far to the left.

He has to deal with the communists in his party.

The cartoon below is humorous, but extremely misleading. AOC definitely wants Biden to “copy off of Bernie’s paper!”

Sadly, I am not at all certain that President Trump can beat Biden in November. 

However, if Biden actually shows up for a debate, he won’t be able to use a teleprompter. The man literally can’t speak in sentences.

Moving on to the Cancel Culture’s knowledge of history.

Do black Americans of today actually know who fought to keep slavery?

This pretty much says it all!

Roy Filly

About Roy Filly

Please read my first blog in which I describe myself and my goals.
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1 Response to Politics in cartoon form.

  1. Ed says:

    Sadly, I too am not at all certain that President Trump can beat Biden in November.

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